Substitute’s Responsibilities and Expectations:
• Arrive to work on time ready to perform duties as outlined.
• Report to the office upon your arrival at the building, and again prior to leaving for the day.
• Follow the lesson plans left by the teacher. If you feel unable to do this, contact the principal for direction on an acceptable alternative plan.
• Keep an accurate record of daily attendance for all assigned students
Leave a written summary of the day’s activities for the teacher.
• Assume all possible duties of the absent teacher that may include:
o Bus duty
o Lunch period supervision
o Hallway supervision
o Playground supervision before and after school, at recesses and noon hour
• Remain at school until the scheduled release time for teachers, unless the office releases you earlier.
• Correct all written work, unless the regular teacher or principal has left specific instructions to the contrary. Do not assign written work and leave it to be graded by the regular teacher unless so indicated in the lesson plans. And as a general rule, any written work assigned by you that is outside the lesson plan should be corrected and left for the regular teacher to grade.
• Keep the atmosphere of the room pleasant and conducive to good work habits and maintaining discipline.
• Conduct the classes so that progress and growth of the students will be continuous.
• Perform the regular duties of the teacher in maintaining housekeeping, care of plants, animals, etc.
• Notify the principal immediately should an accident or severe problem occur.
• Attend staff meetings if substituting for more than one day, or at the principal’s suggestion.
• Confer with the principal and/or regular teacher when advisable.
• Treat all staff, students, and public with courtesy.
• Limit personal calls and socializing to break times only.
• Do not use the teacher’s computer without permission from the teacher or building administrator.
• Refrain from handing out any personal information to the students that doesn’t pertain to the lesson plans without permission from the principal.
• Understand and comply with the mandatory reporting or child abuse requirements under Oregon Revised Statutes 419B.010-015.
• Understand and comply with Oregon Administrative Rules 584-020-000 through 584-020- 0045 relating to Standards for Competent and Ethical Performance of Oregon Educators.
• Individual school discipline plan, policies and procedures must be enforced. Corporal punishment of students is strictly prohibited.
• Report all accidents.